The Most Common Artificial Turf Damage

Property owners have many reasons to choose artificial turf over natural grass.

Property owners have many reasons to choose artificial turf over natural grass. Artificial turf is long-lasting, robust, durable, environmentally-friendly, and visually appealing, with minimal maintenance requirements. It provides homeowners with a remarkable lawn surface that withstands daily wear and tear and is green year-round. However, despite being highly durable, artificial turf is not indestructible or impervious to damage.

There are several situations that can cause temporary or permanent damage and demand repairs or early replacement. People who own artificial turf or plan to install it on their property must be aware of the common artificial turf damages and their causes.

Flattened artificial turf

It is common for artificial turf to flatten over time in high-traffic areas due to consistent use or lack of routine maintenance. Another contribution to flattened artificial turf is heavy furniture or objects remaining in the same location for extended periods. If the newly-installed artificial turf blades appear flat in a low spot or there is an inconsistent infill depth, it may be that the installers failed to add sufficient infill to the new turf, causing it to flatten.  

Rips and tears

Several issues can cause the artificial turf to rip and tear. Using sharp objects like knives, blades, tools, brushes with pointed bristles, or including furniture with sharp edges around the turf can cause rips and tears. Poor seam installation, poor maintenance, uneven surface, poor quality turf, base, or infill, and incorrect use can also result in turf tears. To avoid rips and damages, ensure professional installation and prevent the use of sharp objects near the artificial turf.

Loose or rippled sections

Improper turf installation by an inexperienced installer is generally responsible for loose turf fit. Poor seams and perimeter tacking can result in turf  slumping or lifting. The best way to avoid this damage is to hire a reputable artificial turf installation company. Experience professionals use the best techniques and products like heavy-duty adhesives, turf pins, or staples to secure the turf tightly in its place.

Bubbles and blisters

Poor drainage is usually the culprit behind blistering problems with the turf. Unevenly compacted, improperly edged, unevenly distributed gravel layer, or use of incorrect base can cause the turf to drain improperly, leading to water buildup under the turf’s surface. Conversely, a leveled and evenly installed turf can prevent the lawn from becoming soggy.

Burns and scorches

Cigar or cigarette butts dropped on the turf surface, sparks from fire pits, stray embers from the grill, fireworks, or strong reflections caused by windows or sliding glass doors can lead to burning. Heat-related artificial turf damages are usually permanent and require replacing the damaged area with a new patch of the same type and color.

Chemical-related damages

Harsh chemicals are hazardous to the artificial turf’s look and structure. For example, toxic cleaners, oil-based paint, pesticides, strong adhesives, and acids can permanently damage artificial turf. Therefore, keeping such substances as far as possible from the turf surface is best.

Most artificial turf damage is easy to avoid and simple to repair. Hiring professionals to install the turf, ensuring routine cleaning and maintenance, and keeping certain objects away can help prevent more turf damage. Contact a local turf company to learn more about ways to avoid artificial turf damage.

TurfWash is an artificial turf cleaning company in Phoenix Metro offering safe, odorless cleaning for artificial turf and hardscape surfaces. Our family business has over 23 years of experience in the artificial turf industry. We take pride in our in-depth knowledge of artificial turf and our passion for providing excellent service. Give us a call at 602-560-8582


Understanding Why Artificial Turf Maintenance is Important


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